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AI Mode Block

Block Name

It is best practice to ALWAYS name your blocks,. This block is super critical, you name it. The name you give here becomes the column name show when you review responses and or when you integrate with other systems. Again, naming every block is advisable and strongly suggested.


Business Name

Enter the name of your business here. This is critical. The bot will use the business name to address to the user.


Business Context 

Put everything you want the bot to know about your business here. There is a limit of 65,000 characters which means you have approximately 30-40 pages of typed information you can give to your bot.


Maximum reply length

The default is 150 characters. This avoids lengthy and sometime confusing responses. Keeping a small number helps to ensure answers are concise.


Send AI chat log to enabled integrations after…

This value is in Minutes. This setting saves the conversation to any 3rd party you have configured in integrations and the value you set here determines at which interval. Note a new row is created in the destination not appended.



Enable this if you have trained your bot on URLs or external documents that have been uploaded and you also have to BE SURE that you enable ADVANCED in AI Mode… and in this block, as the two work and go together hand in hand to link the two together. 



Delete Block

This deletes the current block


Delete Thread

This deletes not only the current block but everything connected to us under it (USE EXTREEM CAUTION when selecting this option)



Closes this dialog window


Save Message

Saves your configuration and closes

